After a long winter and cold and rainy spring, the weather is finally beginning to heat up and singles are ready to enjoy the outdoors and everything that summer has to offer! That’s right, live events, exploring the city, traveling, farmer’s markets, enjoying al fresco dining and all the excitement of summer activities. As we look forward to the long summer days, a renewed energy of focusing on meeting someone special to share it all with is top of mind for singles everywhere.

Are you ready for summer dating?

You know you are, if you align with the following:

I’m Positive & Optimistic! “I am ready to have the best summer ever!” - That’s right, your excitement is beaming with a positive and optimistic energy. You are ready for anything, and keeping an open mind to attract like-minded singles. Your focus is to surround yourself with others who are ready to embrace all the fun and opportunity that summer has to offer… especially that summer love.

I’m Ready for Fun! “Fun and laughter will be my mantra this summer.” Laughter is key to fun in any situation, especially on a date. Think about it, who doesn’t like someone with a sense of humor? Keeping up with the vibes of summer means not taking everything so seriously… people, situations, and first dates too. There is positivity in every situation and you can find it with a bit of laughter and a smile.

My Wardrobe is Refreshed and I'm Ready to Go! “Damn, I look good!” Treat yourself by taking advantage of the spring sales and get yourself a new or expanded wardrobe. Looking good means feeling good…or even great. Showing confidence makes you stand out from the crowd and attract the attention you want. It’s always good to dress for yourself, but it doesn’t hurt to look good for your date too! Not sure what to buy or what looks best on you? Let your Matchmaker know you want some inspiration and they can connect you with our stylist to help you find your perfect solution!

Happy Dating,
IJL Select

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